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Winter Warriors and Lawn Mowers

The Property Committee needs your help! Everyone can help – operating the snow throwers and salt spreaders are noble and essential deeds. We have mowers available for the lawns. Call the office at 708-352-0800 or sign up here

Help Out the Church

The best way to make a difference is to get involved. Do you feel called to feed the hungry, sing songs, or help educate children? There are many opportunities available at FCCLG for you to plug into our community.

Greeters and Ushers

We are looking for people to serve as Greeters for our 10:00 am Sunday service.  All you have to do is arrive by 9:45 am, wear your name tag, and smile! And enjoy the service afterwards! No more than that.

We also look for four volunteers to serve as Ushers during the church service. The Ushers hand out the bulletin, help collect the offering during each service and assist Communion once a month.

Laundry for the Saturday Meals Program

The Saturday Meals Program asks for volunteers to help launder the aprons and towels used to serve the weekly meal.

It’s simple: pick up the laundry outside the downstairs church kitchen door, take the laundry home, wash, and return by 7 am the following Saturday.

This is a simple, eco-friendly, and meaningful way to serve the community of La Grange!  To sign up, please click here or directly email


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First Congregational Church

of La Grange

Sunday Services 10:00 am CST

100 6th Ave

La Grange, IL 60525


FCCLG is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. 


Privacy Policy:  Protecting your privacy is important to us.  No personal information provided to FCCLG will be sold to or shared  with third parties/ affiliates for marketing/ promotional purposes.  We just like to keep in touch!

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