Safe Church Policy
First Congregational Church of La Grange strives to create and maintain an environment in which everyone feels physically and psychologically safe. To that end, we practice a Safe Church Policy that requires documentation and training.
Find your role below to download the appropriate required forms. Email completed and signed forms to mainoffice@fcclg.org or drop them off at the church office.
After receiving your forms, the church office will contact you to set up free online training. All volunteers must complete a "Foundations” course that is provided courtesy of our insurance carrier. Other training will be provided according to the schedule on page 5 of the Safe Church Policy.
For more about the online training, visit https://www.praesidiuminc.com/services/academy/online/
Questions? Call the church office at 708-352-0800.
One Time Volunteers
Documents for one-time volunteers like our Saturday Meals Program can be downloaded using the links below.
Volunteers Who Work with Non-Vulnerable Populations
Documents for volunteers who work with Non-Vulnerable Populations can be downloaded using the links below.
Examples: A/V Operator, Bell and/or Chancel Choir, Coffee Hour Host, Greeter, Laundry Hero, Property Maintenance, Reader / Leader, Usher, Money Counter
Volunteers Who Work with Children and Other Vulnerable Populations
Documents for volunteers who work with Non-Vulnerable Populations can be downloaded using the links below.
Examples: Nursery Assistant, Sunday School Teacher, Communion Assistant
Children & Youth and Vulnerable Populations Application
*We ask you also to please fill out Background Check in the Church Office.